Thursday, August 9, 2012

School Year 2012-2013

     Welcome to the 2012-2013 school year. Is it going good for your family so far? I know, it has only been 2 days but, the drama has begun.

     And not because of me (or not all of it). Kids being sent on the wrong bus or not getting left off at the right house. At least I haven't heard of a small child being left off at the wrong place yet.. which did happen last year to my niece. And not on the first day of school.

     The family moved and my nephew updated the information with the school and his daughter was dropped off at her new location for several days. Then, out of the blue, she was taken off her new bus, put on the old bus and taken to her old location. Why? Because the new bus driver said she didn't have a valid note to ride a different bus. WHAT!? She wasn't visiting a friend she freaking MOVED! Luckily, a neighbor picked her up and called her dad to tell him what happened. But the school felt he had no right to be upset that a 6 year old was left at the wrong address. Ahhh, public school system logic at its finest.

     Controversy I've stirred up? School lunches. My kids say that it is meatless this year. Soy or veggie burgers, etc. I was hoping that someone would show me where I was wrong but instead I managed to insult/offend a friend in charge of a lunchroom for which I am so sorry. Heartfelt apologies again!! But the workers can't help what they are required to serve. And her lunchroom has very good staff that are attentive and caring. Kudos to them and to all lunchroom workers who work so hard every day! And I'm not saying that just because I used to be one of them, honest.

     I like that the school system is constantly trying new options that are healthier and offer more variety. That works for vegetarians, to get more meatless options. I realize that you can't please everybody. I also think this is catering to a select group to the detriment of the rest. But making all kids vegetarian meals whether they like it or not? Nah, not cool. Blaming the government for the changes? Some. They are responsible for some but not all. It also comes down to what is cheapest, readily available, etc.. yada, yada, yada. Not necessarily what is in the best interest of the STUDENTS.

     Some of the school papers I had to sign are going back with comments. (From me? you say. Why yes, it is so). Child's name, age, grade.. understandable. Check. Marital status. Um, what? My child is 13, is that really relevant? I can kinda, sorta see it for high schoolers (yeegads) but middle schoolers? I don't think so. 
     And a  paper about anti-bullying and how the staff deserves respect? Hmm, anti-bullying programs I am totally for. But from a school that told parents that the student that threatened to turn the school into the next Columbine had a very difficult situation at home and we should all feel sorry for him and be understanding and forgiving? Yeah, that's who should be leading an anti-bullying program. I'll believe it when I see it. 

     Support for this same staff who has members infamous for their bi-polaresque temper tantrums and refusal to tell the truth? Again, I don't think so. And so my comments stated.

     I want my kids to have a positive school experience. There have been some awesome teachers in my children's school years and I have lots of family that are teachers. (HOLLA) I know teachers are under stress and they are trying to teach some kids that really shouldn't be in polite society. I tell my kids that THEY are NOT to be the ones disrupting class. But when the children are held to a higher standard of behavior than the ADULT  staff members in charge.... well, that just speaks volumes doesn't it.

     So the school year has begun and the drama. Sigh. Here's hoping that the staff I come into contact with this year can act like adults and actually problem solve.
     But, I'm not crazy enough to hold my breath on that one.